The entire Dakota Norway pilot corps outside the useful and valuable DC-3 simulator in the Netherlands. From left: Trond Hogner, Lars Gagnum, Eivind Raade, flight commander Gunnar Arnekleiv, Morten Andreassen, Stig-Rune Håvardstun, Erik Østerholt, Baard Løken, Geir Johansen.
Photo: Private

All nine of Dakota Norway's pilots have had their annual training session in the world's only DC-3 simulator in the Netherlands.

Dakota Norway was one of the first DC-3 operators in the world to use the simulator, even before it was approved by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for training purposes.
Even in recent years, when we have not been able to fly the Dakota for various reasons, the pilots have maintained their skills by using the simulator.
Firstly, it is incredibly cheaper to use than training in our own aircraft, and you can safely practice challenging operational situations that you don't want to do in the air with the aircraft, such as loss of engine power on one of the two engines.
With the approval of EASA, the simulator exercise is now credited as a valid training flight.