SEASON START SUNDAY, MAY 26, 12:00 NOON We are finally flying for the 2024 season! Meet up at the Dakota hangar, BREDHOLTVEIEN 220, 3160 STOKKE. We will fly as many trips as needed from 12:00 onwards. Here you can also get a look at our other veteran aircraft,...
Nine pilots on simulator training

Nine pilots on simulator training

The entire Dakota Norway pilot corps outside the useful and valuable DC-3 simulator in the Netherlands. From left: Trond Hogner, Lars Gagnum, Eivind Raade, flight commander Gunnar Arnekleiv, Morten Andreassen, Stig-Rune Håvardstun, Erik Østerholt, Baard Løken, Geir Johansen. Photo:...
Technical update

Technical update

LN-WND is still in the hangar. A good deal of technical work remains before the season opens. We are working steadily forward, and hope to start around Midsummer. Stay tuned to our website for ongoing...