Welcome to Dakota Norway

Norway's only flying DC-3

Flights for the 2024 season - click here
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latest news

Tone vant to gavekort

Tone Elisabeth Kveim er den heldige vinner av to gavekort til Dakotatur etter at hun sponset oss med et valgfritt beløp denne uken. Trekningen foregikk lørdag kveld 31. august. Det betyr at hun kan fly allerede i morgen søndag 1. september på Telemark Airshow på...

the foundation
dakota norway

Dakota Norway is a non-commercial foundation with one purpose: To keep the Dakota aircraft with Norwegian registration LN-WND in airworthy condition.

The aircraft is a military passenger aircraft version of the DC-3, an aircraft type that flew for the first time on December 17, 1935. LN-WND is a C-53D-DO, begun construction in 1942. It was taken over and accepted by the US Army Air Force on June 28, 1943. The aircraft was delivered to the US 8th Air Force in the UK on October 8, 1943, and the following year was part of the massive fleet of aircraft that was an essential part of the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944.

In the fall of 1944, the aircraft was used as a "private plane" for the Deputy Commander of the Allied Air Forces in Europe, Major General Ralph D. Royce, and was essentially flown by Captain Wendell Buckhiester of the US Air Force.

fly with the dakota

Dakota Norway has the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority's approval to operate LN-WND and allow the public to take part in adventure flights. The purpose of these is to allow anyone who wishes to experience the history of aviation by flying an old aircraft.

Presenting the DC-3

Here you can watch the movie presentation of LN-WND in its entirety. 

Film by: Knut Åshammer

Latest articles and announcements

En historisk formasjon

Lørdag 17. Juni var det tid for åpningsstevne på Gullknapp flyplass utenfor Arendal. Dakotaen deltok og fløy medlemsturer. Det ble 4 turer med nye medlemmer før snuten snudde nordøstover hjemover mot Sandefjord. Her fikk vi besøk av skikkelig jagereskorte. Både P-51...

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Et godt stykke håndverk.

Her kommer en video av Dakotaen på Kjeller 21. Mai. Den viser en avgang og landing der det blåser en god del fra siden. Vinden på Kjeller var opp mot maks sidevind og varierende i styrke, samt retning. Dette ga våre piloter en god utfordring utover ettermiddagen....

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332.000 TV-seere så «Sølvfuglen»

Vi vet jo at Dakotaen er en «kjendis» i Vestfold, men nå er den også «riks-kjendis». Over 332.000 TV-seere så programmet om Dakotaen mandag kveld. Det var det 6. mest sette program på norsk TV mandag kveld - uansett kanal. Når man ser bort fra nyhetssendingene til NRK...

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Her kan du se hele NRKs Dakota-program

NRK 1 sender mandag 15. mai kl 20.45 «Glimt av Norge»-programmet «Sølvfuglen fra Sandefjord». Dette programkonseptet er basert på to varianter, ett på åtte minutter, og ett på 14 minutter. På direkte-TV 15. mai vises den korte versjonen, men NRK Vestfold har gitt oss...

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The history of Dakota from World War II!

Over the winter, the Foundation has received exciting information about the history of the aircraft during World War II. This part of the aircraft's history has been somewhat uncertain since the foundation's inception. We can now present both pictures and an exciting story written by Martin Nilsen....

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As old as the Dakota - and then some

Dakotaens dag som markerte avslutningen på 2016-seongen ble en skikkelig fulltreffer på Torp søndag 2. oktober. Flott vær, riktignok med litt sur nordavind, hadde trukket mange folk til flyplassen. Oslofjorden rundt som var forhåndssolgt, gikk allerede klokken 10, og...

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Join us around the Oslofjord!

There are still a few places available on the trip around the Oslofjord on Sunday, October 2. A unique experience to see both Oslo and the surrounding area from a shiny and newly polished Dakota. This year, as last year, we will most likely be accompanied by AT-6D Harvard, LN-WNH. After landing at Torp, the...

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Join us on the most beautiful adventure of the summer

The Dakota Norway Foundation is volunteerism, dedication and passion. Join us on a trip and fly with us! You can also become a member, support us and get benefits.