Jonas Eriksen vant to Dakota-billetter

I denne helgens trekning i Dakota Norways «Vippse-søndag» ble den heldige vinner JONAS ERIKSEN Du har vunnet to gavekort til en verdi kr 1800,-  Gratulerer så masse. Takk til alle som har bidratt med å vippse et valgfritt beløp til Dakotaen. Slike bidrag betyr mye for...

Vipps og vinn Dakota-turer søndag 25. august

Søndag 25. august er neste mulighet for en rundtur over Vestfold med det legendariske veteranflyet. Hvis du blir med på vår Vipps-aksjon, kan du til og med være så heldig å vinne to billetter til en verdi av 900 kroner hver. Vipps et valgfritt beløp til # 19873, før...

The gift cards expire in three months

Gift cards purchased for Dakota trips are valid until the end of the 2024 flight season, regardless of when they were purchased and at what price. This means that those who have such cards must take the opportunity during the three remaining months of the season. The last scheduled day for round-trip flights is...

The technicians saved the day

On Friday, July 12, an Experience Day for children with cancer was scheduled at Torp. Dakota Norway has organized this for many, many years now. But it's been several years since this day has involved flying the Dakota for the young patients and their families. But this year it was...

Fly Dakota to Telemark Air show

The most beautiful adventure of the fall, yes - it can be, Telemark Airshow Sunday, September 1, 2024. We offer 14 seats in the Dakota with departure from Torp at 08.30 on Sunday, September 1. Price NOK 1800 round trip Torp. Ticket to the airshow is included in the price. Telemark.