Helge Hem was re-elected as chairman of the Dakota Norway Friends Association and the Dakota Norway Foundation.
The annual meetings for both associations were held at Torp Hotel on Saturday, April 15, 2023 with 23 members present.
The annual reports and accounts for both associations were adopted.
At the end of the year, the association had 1,586 registered members, a good increase on the previous year. Even in a year with minimal flying, membership has remained high.
The Dakota Norway Foundation had a deficit of NOK 521810 in 2022. LN-WND was flown for 20 hours and 30 minutes, part of which were technical test flights and pilot training.
It was informed that the start of the season still cannot be scheduled. Annual maintenance of the aircraft, as well as work on the oil system, is currently in full swing.
As soon as new information is available, it will be published on the website, which now has a new design.
After the annual meeting, the attendees were given an interesting review of Torp Airport's history by author and journalist Audun Tjomsland, who in 2005 published the book "Høyt spill om Torp".
It was a major political backdrop and a Cold War situation in Europe that led to Torp being built. A situation not dissimilar to that of today's Europe.